Monday 6 June 2011

Assessment assessment assessment

My day of assessment has not left me in much better condition than Annabel. I must admit I would not like it myself if my work were to be assessed to the same criteria as my students (and today we were doing the 'easy ones'). Do I "research and respond to sources using clear consistent direction and intention"? (I've tidied the english up here). A recent review of my work on a blog, whose address I can't find, pointed out a lack of direction and a mismatch between my artist's statement and work. I'm not denying any of it, I've been putting off rewriting it for a long time now and have resorted to cobbling new versions together from a miriad of different soundbites. We went to London last Thursday and came home with more than a few examples of artist statement pinched from the various galleries visited. My favourite was Lee Edwards at Domo Baal which I think was written by Iphgenia Baal which ends:

"This show is made for the girls who just weren't meant for us"

Iphegenia's own bio is also worth noting:

"Iphgenia Baal is a writer, lving and workng in Bethnal Green. Following her years as a teen tearaway, Iphgenia began her 20s as a journalist, writing about music and the arts. This ended badly, in an extended melodrama involving fisticuffs and the police that ran across two continents..."

I'm thinking of starting my bio with my complete lack of memory and this picture of my dad, brother and me.

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